Here're a few changes I made to make it work more like the original profile manager. I'm sure PA's agreement with Mozilla wouldn't let PA bundle the extension, but nothing should stop them from putting it on the Applications page.
#Firefox profile manager mac 10.3.16 portable
PortableApps gets really big and people request it a lot), could make an extension for Firefox Portable only that would work as a portable profile manager. Perhaps somebody, if it ever became an issue (e.g. We could use the PA Platform, but we don't. It doesn't open like a menu, so the folder must be manually closed after we open our Firefox, but that's a minor setback.

Even on the quick launch toolbar, I just made a folder called Firefox and copied the shortcuts to it. Furthermore, each of us having our own Firefox shortcut on the desktop means one or two fewer clicks than when we installed Firefox and used the profile manager. This works fine, except when a new version comes out, I must run the installer twice. We have JFirefoxPortable and NFirefoxPortable folders under PortableApps. The other way is to simply have 2 copies of Portable Firefox, like we do at home. Start Firefox, and it's using the other profile. When I want to use one, I rename "profile" to "profile_something" and the one I want to use to "profile". Since your entire profile is contained in that Profile folder, I just drop other profiles in the Data folder alongside it and rename them to profile_Name.

It can be a PITA if you swap back and forth a lot. Still, it isn't particularly hard to manage multiple profiles in Portable Firefox. but it seems like, other than being able to create, rename, and delete profiles, it just looks in a set location (%APPDATA\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles ?) and lists the profiles, so it'd be my guess it could be told to look elsewhere.? \.\data\profiles (which would contain one or more profile_name folders)? Then again, I'm not a programmer. I mean, being open source, couldn't the profile manager be altered to look in. The profile manager really can't, though? That's very strange. Firefox is also non-portable, but it was able to be made portable.